@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')

About Us

{!! $about->about_us !!} {{-- See More... --}}

Our Vission

{!! $about->our_vission !!}

Our Mission

{!! $about->our_mission !!}

Our Core Values

{!! $about->our_core_values !!}

Our Strategy

{!! $about->our_strategy !!}

Our commitment to protecting vulnerable communities

{!! $about->our_commitment !!}

Our Work

Our Activities


@foreach ($posts as $categoryPosts) @foreach ($categoryPosts as $item) @if ($item->category == 'our_activities')

{{ $item->title }}

Date: {{ $item->date }}
Location: {{ $item->location }}
{!! $item->truncated_description !!} @if (strlen(strip_tags($item->description)) > strlen($item->truncated_description)) See More... @endif
@endif @endforeach @endforeach

Success Stories


@foreach ($posts as $categoryPosts) @foreach ($categoryPosts as $item) @if ($item->category == 'success_story')

{{ $item->title }}

Date: {{ $item->date }}
Location: {{ $item->location }}
{!! $item->truncated_description !!} @if (strlen(strip_tags($item->description)) > strlen($item->truncated_description)) See More... @endif
@endif @endforeach @endforeach

Beneficiary Overview

Our Impact

Skill Development


@foreach ($posts as $categoryPosts) @foreach ($categoryPosts as $item) @if ($item->category == 'skill_develpment')

{{ $item->title }}

Date: {{ $item->date }}
Location: {{ $item->location }}
{!! $item->truncated_description !!} @if (strlen(strip_tags($item->description)) > strlen($item->truncated_description)) See More... @endif
@endif @endforeach @endforeach

Infrastructure Development


@foreach ($posts as $categoryPosts) @foreach ($categoryPosts as $item) @if ($item->category == 'infrastructure_develpment')

{{ $item->title }}

Date: {{ $item->date }}
Location: {{ $item->location }}
{!! $item->truncated_description !!} @if (strlen(strip_tags($item->description)) > strlen($item->truncated_description)) See More... @endif
@endif @endforeach @endforeach

Asset Creation


@foreach ($posts as $categoryPosts) @foreach ($categoryPosts as $item) @if ($item->category == 'asset_creation')

{{ $item->title }}

Date: {{ $item->date }}
Location: {{ $item->location }}
{!! $item->truncated_description !!} @if (strlen(strip_tags($item->description)) > strlen($item->truncated_description)) See More... @endif
@endif @endforeach @endforeach

Livelihood Generation


@foreach ($posts as $categoryPosts) @foreach ($categoryPosts as $item) @if ($item->category == 'livelihood_generation')

{{ $item->title }}

Date: {{ $item->date }}
Location: {{ $item->location }}
{!! $item->truncated_description !!} @if (strlen(strip_tags($item->description)) > strlen($item->truncated_description)) See More... @endif
@endif @endforeach @endforeach

Geographic Coverage







Disaster Response

Disaster Management Services by ASIO


ASIO is dedicated to providing swift and effective disaster management services. We respond to emergencies by coordinating with funding agencies, local authorities and NGOs, delivering essential food and hot meals to affected individuals. Our efforts include managing joint distribution activities, providing warehouse facilities, and ensuring resources reach the most vulnerable populations. Through these initiatives, ASIO fosters resilience and supports communities in the face of disasters.

Summary Report of Recent Flash Flood in Baghlan province:

On May 10-11, 2024, a devastating flash flood struck Baghlan province, claiming hundreds of lives, destroying property and crops, and displacing thousands. The hardest-hit districts were Burka, Baghlan-e-Jadid, Pol-e-Khumri, Guzargah-e-Nur, and Doshi. ASIO’s Activities ASIO coordinated with local authorities and NGOs, forming five joint assessment teams to evaluate the impact. They provided hot meals to over 2,200 individuals in Baghlan-e-Jadid and 1,200 in Guzargah-e-Nur, despite severe logistical challenges. WFP/ASIO distributed High Energy Biscuits, LNS, and 8,000 loaves of bread daily in Baghlan-e-Jadid.
Management of Joint Distribution and Providing Warehouses
ASIO extended its services by providing warehouse facilities to various organizations, including IOM, UNHCR, UNICEF, and others. They managed joint distribution efforts and supplied digitalized beneficiary lists to OCHA. WFP installed two Mobile Storage Units in Burka and Baghlan-e-Jadid for joint distribution activities. ASIO/WFP provided a two-month full ration of food and nutritional supplements to those affected.
Assessments Result
Over 13 Joint Assessment Teams (JATs) were formed, with ASIO personnel present in nearly all teams. The survey results showed Baghlan-e-Jadid had the highest number of affected households (729), followed by Burka (560) and Pol-e-Khumri (380). These findings highlight the widespread impact of the flood across different regions, necessitating targeted relief efforts.
The flash flood in Baghlan province had a profound impact on communities, with Baghlan-e-Jadid, Burka, and Pol-e-Khumri being the most affected. ASIO’s proactive involvement and swift response were instrumental in delivering timely assistance, from coordinating joint assessment teams to providing hot meals and facilitating joint distribution efforts. As relief organizations, including ASIO, continue their response efforts, it’s imperative to prioritize the most vulnerable populations and ensure equitable distribution of resources. The comprehensive data provided by the survey serves as a vital tool for guiding effective interventions and fostering resilience in the face of future disasters.


Summary Report of Recent Flash Flood in Samangan Province:

Continuous heavy rainfall from April 2024 triggered flash floods, causing severe damage to residents. ASIO, in partnership with WFP and other organizations, conducted rapid assessments and distributed food commodities, including high-energy biscuits, reaching 441 flood-affected individuals.
Response Breakdown
  • Ruy-e-Duab: 188 households served
  • Khuram wa Sarbagh: 108 households served
  • Aybak Center: 76 households served
  • Hazrat-e-Sultan: 19 households served
  • Dara-e-Suf Bala: 13 households served
  • Feroznakchir: 37 households served
Pre-Assessment Coordination
Joint teams held meetings to address the needs of affected families, with ANDMA providing detailed overviews of the flood’s impact. Flood-Affected Households Assessment ASIO conducted house-to-house surveys, identifying 441 significantly affected households out of 910 surveyed.
Immediate Response
ASIO provided 100% ration food assistance for two months, distributing:
  • 88.2 MT of wheat flour
  • 8.0262 MT of vegetable oil
  • 0.882 MT of salt
  • 11.025 MT of split peas
  • 1.478 MT of wheat soy blend
  • 0.926 MT of high-energy biscuits
  • 1.486 MT of lipid-based nutrient supplement
Heavy rains in April, May, and June caused severe floods, resulting in fatalities and extensive damage. Despite challenges, ASIO’s coordinated efforts ensured timely and effective disaster response.

Our Valueable Partners
